Contact Us

We are a member-run union, and we want to hear from you. 

President, Amanda Gustafson, email

Vice-President,  Vacant

Membership Secretary, Kelly Wavrin

Recording Secretary, Urban Landreman, 612-348-2283, email

Treasurer, Lisa Kjellander, 612-543-6142, email


Zach Avry
Angel Gardner-Kocher
Julia Ross

Your Union Stewards
Kate Clayborne, [email protected] or [email protected]
Angel Gardner-Kocher, [email protected][email protected] or 612-348-7608 (work phone)
Mark Dascalos, [email protected][email protected], or 651-775-6721
Zee Warholm-Wohlenhaus,  [email protected] or [email protected], or 651-303-3598


Penny Johnson
William Moore
Anna Zillinger